What To Know Before Attending An Airplane Sale And Auction

To make an airplane sale or auction successful takes more than just careful preparation, it is important to understand some of the key aspects of the airplane sales process. Locating a new or used plane, be it a tried and true model such as a Maule Aircraft for sale, or another model with similar characteristics, begins with first determining specific needs, budget and location of the aircraft.

Start by narrowing the choices after analyzing individual needs. For example, focusing airplane sale and auction efforts on single or multi engine craft, as well as passenger size and capacity will help to narrow the field of choices. Combining individual specifications with budget realities will narrow the field even further. Understanding what is realistic financially will make the time spent at a sale or auction more efficient, and increase the chances of successfully locating the right aircraft for sale.

The geographic location of the airplane sale or auction is another important consideration. If flying half across the country is needed to secure the right plane at the right price, this needs to be a factor in determining which airplane sale or auction is attended.

If buying used, make certain to review flight, inspection and repair logs. Most used airplane sale and auction houses will make logs readily available for review. This can speak volumes for how well and consistently the aircraft was maintained, number of hours in the air and a host of critical information. Also, understanding the process for pre auction or airplane sale inspections is crucial to allow for a careful pre purchase assessment. Finally, many auction and plane sale facilities will make available representatives to assist with the particulars associated with each new and used airplane sale event.

Purchasing a new or used airplane is an exciting time for flying enthusiasts. The process of securing the perfect aircraft does not need to be a trying experience, however. Taking some initial steps and thoughtfully approaching the buying process prior to attending an airplane sale or auction will eliminate much of what can be a stressful, though exciting time.