What is Thirty One Gifts About

Thirty One Gifts was founded by Cindy Monroe in . Apparently she started the business in her basement. She did the right thing because the business is currently worth as of, with roughly over sales representatives.

The company went through some tough times years ago, in terms of growth but in recent years they have managed to get a good footing in the industry. Thirty One Gifts products What is Thirty One Gifts About – products Going through their catalog, it’s not hard to see why their products are so popular. They look great. What is even cooler is that you can personalize them by including someone’s name if it’s intended as a gift.

How does Thirty One Gifts work?
To become a consultant with Thirty One Gifts, you will need to pay one of the two enrollment kits for either. This being a typical multi-level marketing company, there are basically to ways you can earn money.

Earn commissions through retail product sales.
Earn commissions when those who join under you and recruit other new members.
To get people to buy your products you will need to host parties where they can sell their products to a large group of people at one time.

You can also have online parties. Consultants earn 25% commission on the products they sell. Generally, the prices are low enough that they would appeal to many potential customers. There other bonus rewards that you can earn depending on how large your team gets. To stay active in the business you will need to maintain $200 in sales every three months. Compensation plans can be quite complex so I would rather not give you breakdown. I will let an expert explain it to you.

Can you make money with Thirty One Gifts
I do believe for a person with the right skill set, one can make money. I have personally met a lot of people who found huge success in network marketing. If you have that charm that comes with the gift of the gab, this could work well for you. Unfortunately, most people just suck at selling. On the other end of the spectrum, people just don’t like being sold stuff.

What is Thirty One Gifts About – income disclosure according to their income disclosure of consultants were able to make between per year. A whopping made less than $1000 per year. 18% made less than a dollar! That should not come as a surprise. Most MLMs operate within the realm of these figures.

I have an art background and I must say I would buy some of their products. The colors a great and very trendy. They are also reasonably priced, which is rare in most. There are also heavily involved in charity donating millions of dollars to non-profit organizations, most of which benefit women and families. While this isn’t a unique thing in the MLM industry it’s still good to know a company cares beyond making money.